Now that you’ve read the book, it’s time to take action!
No waiting. No complexity. Just a simple map to getting it done.
The Clockwork Kit is entirely free and you’ll get instant access to the tools (which are not available anywhere else).
The Clockwork Kit is your quick start guide to Clockworking your business and taking your 4-week vacation fully unplugged from your business!
The Kit includes:
The Clockwork Quick Start Guide
This powerful one-sheet details out the action items you must take to get your business running like clockwork. Post the sheet next to your desk and check off each step as you move through the system.
All the graphs, tools + worksheets
All the resources from the book (including graphs, worksheets and spreadsheets) are included in one convenient spot. Ready for you to use in your business, today!
The ultimate shortcut to your QBR
The QBR is what you hinge your company’s success on. Know it, protect it and serve it and your business will thrive. In this exclusive video you will discover the ultimate shortcut to finding your QBR and leveraging it to thrive.
The Run Like Clockwork Dashboard
The one page template that you can use to run your entire business like clockwork. It is a living document that will help you monitor and direct your business, even if you decide to do it from the beach.
A recorded Clockwork coaching session
Listen in to a coaching session Mike had with a client as they applied Clockwork to her business. You will be a “fly on a wall,” during this high end consultation.

“You need to take a 4-week vacation from your business.
Not so much because you need it, but because your business needs a vacation from you!”
— Mike Michalowicz
As a business owner, it's hard to hand the reins to someone else.
You must hire people you trust, and empower them with autonomy over their roles.
Delegate more so you can work IN your business less and work ON it the way you intended.
And of course, achieve real, tangible work/life balance